Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

What is bipolar disorder?

People with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood swings. It is normal to have "ups and downs" but in these patients, "ups" are very high (manic pole) and "low" is very low (depressive pole). This disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness.

The duration of manic or depressive episodes is a few weeks to several months. Their frequency is also variable.

When the subject is neither manic phase, or depressive phase, they behaves normally and feel well. These periods of "normality" may take several years.

Each patient has thus its own "cycle" which is composed of a manic phase, a normal phase and a depressive phase. Bipolar disorder with rapid cycle occurs when patients have at least four cycles per year. Sometimes the mood can change every day, making the lives of these patients extremely difficult.

An estimated 1% the number of people affected by this disease. More women are affected than men. On average, bipolar disorder appears to be 30 or more.

Current research is important for genetic factors in causing this trouble. However, various external sources of stress seem to be able to promote the occurrence of an episode. The seasons also affect mood disorders: mania is more common in summer and depression in winter.

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